Chess Federations
http://www.gcf.org.ge/ - GCF - Georgian Chess Federation
http://www.fide.com/ - FIDE - World Chess Federation
http://www.europechess.org/ - ECU - European Chess Union
http://www.chessprofessionals.org/ - ACP - Association of Chess Profssionals
https://geochess.ge/ - Georgian Chess Federation - i64 - be competent
https://acf.ge/ - ACF - Adjarian Chess Federation
http://www.fide.com/fide/directory/affiliated-organizations.html - Affiliated International Organizations
https://www.facebook.com/chesskvemokartli - Kvemokartli Chess Federation
http://kazchess.kz/ - Kazakhstan Chess Federation
http://www.ukrchess.org.ua/ - Ukrainian Chess Federation
http://www.russiachess.ru/ - Russian Chess Federation
http://www.chess.by/ - Chess in Belarus
http://www.uschess.org/ - The United States Chess Federation
http://www.tsf.org.tr/ - Turkish Chess Federation
http://www.chess.kherson.ua/ - Kherson Chess Federation
http://totalchess.spb.ru/ - St. Petersburg Chess Federation
http://www.volgachess.ru/ - Volga Chess Federation
http://www.chessclub.mksat.net/ - Nikolaevsk region Chess Federation
http://www.euruchess.org/ - European Chess union -Russian Portal
The Sites of Periodical Chess Publications
http://www.64.ru/ - Magazine "64"
http://www.informant1966.com/ - "Chess Informant"
http://www.newinchess.com/ - "New in Chess"
http://www.ladja.com.ua/ - Newspaper "Ladya" (Rook)
http://www.chess.co.uk/ - British Chess Magazine
http://www.chesstoday.net/ - The First Daily Chess Newspaper on Net
http://chessnews.info/ - Chess News
http://www.szachista.com/ - The Polish Chess Magazine "Szachista"
http://www.dreamchess.com/ - Dream Chess. La Mecca ChessEncyclopedia
http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0 Шахматы - ВикипедиЯ - Свободная Энциклопедия
http://sportall.ambebi.ge/sport/tcadraki.html - Daily Sport News. Newspaper -"Lelo".
http://www.worldsport.ge/ge/ - World Sport Newspaper.
http://dir.geres.ge/ge/News_and_Media/Newspapers/ - GeREs- News,Media,Newspapers
http://chessstar.com/ - Internet Chess Magazine about Chess Studies
Daily NEWS
http://e2e4.ge/ - Batumi News
http://www.chessdom.com/ - Chess News
http://www.chess.co.uk/ -TWIC- "The Week In Chess" by London Chess Center
http://www.chessbase.com/ - "СhessBase" News
http://www.chesspro.ru/ - ChessPro
http://chessok.net/ - The World of Chess
http://chessgames.ru/ - The Chess World on the One Board
http://www.chessgames.com/ - Online Chess database and Community
http://www.chessmix.com/ - Online Chess database and Community, Live, News
http://chessbomb.com/ - chess live, tournament, games.
http://www.chess.com/ - Unlimited Chess games, chess news
http://2ls.ru/ - The Chess on the 2LS.Ru
http://www.battle-chess.ru/ - All about a Chess, News, Articles
http://www.chesspics.com/ - Chess Photos
http://www.e3e5.com/ - All about a Chess, News, Articles
http://www.chess-news.ru/ - Chess News, Evgeny Surov
Chess Schools and Clubs
http://www.chesspoti.ge/ - Poti Chess and Draughts complex sport School named after Nana Aleksandria
http://ag-at.az/index.php?lang=az&page=main - Baku Chess Club "AG-AT"
http://chess-school.by/ - FIDE Chess School in Belarus.
http://club-gambit.kiev.ua/ - Chess Club "GAMBIT" (Kyiv, Ukraine)
https://www.facebook.com/clubtovarisch/ - Chess Club "Tovarisch"
http://nabchess.narod.ru/ - Chess Club of Naberejnie Chelni
http://www.chess.krm.dn.ua/ - Chess Club named after Momot
http://www.chessclub.lviv.ua/- Chess Club of Lvov
http://chesslaw.kharkov.ua/ - Chess Club of the National Academy of low.
http://www.kaissa.com.ua/ - International Association of Chess and Draughts Clubs. Private boarding house "Kaissa"
http://www.chesszone.net.ru/ - Chess School - ChessZone
http://www.chessebook.com/ - Chess School in NET. ChesseBook.
http://www.chess-online.ru/ - ChessSchool. Chess Club on chess-online.
http://www.chessclub.net.ua/ - Chess School and Club on NET.
https://chadraki.ge/ - Chess School on NET (courses page).
Let's Play Chess !
https://www.battleofchess.com/play-chess-against-computer/ - Play Chess with Computer (5 Levels)
http://chess-samara.ru/ - Play Chess in Online. Real Time. Tournaments. Chess forum. Rating and more.
http://webchess.ru/ - Online games, Chess Tournaments, Articles, debuts, Chess Chats. "Virtual community of Chess-Players"
http://www.chess-online.com/en-us - Online games
http://gladiators-chess.ru/forum/index.php - Downloads Chess. Play the Chess with Computer.
http://chessplanet.ru/ - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://www.chesscube.com/ - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://chesstempo.com/- Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://gamezer.com/ - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://www.flyordie.com/ru/chess/ - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://chessfield.org/chess-online - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://en.chessok.net/chessonline.html - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://www.chessfree.net/play-chess-against-computer.html - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://www.chessfriends.com/ - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
http://www.instantchess.com/?GMST=1 - Play Chess in Online. Real Time.
About All
https://georgiantravelguide.com/ka - Georgian Travel Guide
http://2700chess.com/ - Live Chess Ratings
http://www.wikipedia.org/ - WIKIPEDIA free encyclopedia
http://top.ge/ -To Find Information.
http://www.yell.ge/ - To Find Information.
http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/dic_synonims/51335/%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9 -
Dictionary Academic
http://dic.academic.ru - Dictionary Academic.
http://convert.ge - Convert Texts. ტექსტის გადაყვანა Akad.Nusx.-დან-Sylfaen-ში.
http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ - Currency Converter.
http://translate.google.com/ - translate
http://www.translate.ge/ - translate
http://www.translate.ru/ - translate
http://virtualtour.ge/ Virtual Tour - 360 გრადუსით პანორამული სურათები და ვირტუალური ტურები
http://gesl.iliauni.edu.ge/ - ქართული ჟესტური ენის ლექსიკონი
http://ge.embassyinformation.com/ - Embassy Information - To find any Georgia Embassy.
http://embassyhomepage.com/ - Embassy Information
https://www.jenreviews.com/best-things-to-do-in-norway/ - Travel - Jen Reviews
http://www.speedtest.net/ - Net Speed Test
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IOC_country_codes - ქვეყნების კოდები (GEO)
https://countrycode.org/georgia - ქვეყნების კოდები (Country Code)
https://www.yell.ge/info/post_indexs.php?id_city=10 - ბათუმის საფოსტო ინდექსები-კოდები (Batumi zip code).
http://www.georgianpost.ge/?site-lang=en&site-path=help/zipcodes/&group=1&letter=N - თბილისის საფოსტო ინდექსები-კოდები (Tbilisi zip code)
http://chess.sainfo.ru/rating.php - რეიტინგ კალკულატორი (Rating Calculator)
https://www.englishchess.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/CalculatorPage.html - ტურნირის პერფორმანსის კალკულატორი (Tournament Performance Calculator)
https://calculator888.ru/ - კალკულატორი (Calculator)
https://www.schach-chess.com/chess-pieces.htm - Names of Chess Pieces in International Languages
https://chess-calendar.eu/ - World's Biggest Chess Calendar
https://www.wolframalpha.com/ - გამოთვლითი ინტელექტი-Computational intelligence